You might be an ideal candidate for porcelain veneers if:
- Your teeth are healthy and free from decay.
- You don’t suffer from gum disease.
- You don’t habitually clench or grind your teeth.
- Your bite is aligned properly.
You have sufficient healthy tooth enamel to support the veneers after preparation.
To prepare the teeth for the veneers, the teeth are lightly buffed to allow for the small added thickness of the veneer. Usually, about half a millimeter of the tooth is removed, which may require a local anesthetic. Composite resin veneers are generally done in one appointment. After the tooth is prepared, the dentist carefully bonds and sculpts the composite material onto your teeth.
For ceramic veneers, a mold is taken of the teeth, which is sent to the laboratory for the fabrication of the veneers. This may take several days. If the teeth are too unsightly, a temporary veneer can be placed, at an additional cost.
A significant advantage of placing porcelain veneers as opposed to cosmetic dental bonding is that a porcelain veneer’s surface is just that, porcelain. Since porcelain is a ceramic, and therefore glass-like, a veneer’s porcelain surface will be extremely stain resistant.
When your ceramic veneers are ready, the dentist places each veneer on the teeth to check their fit and get a sense of the shade or color. While the veneers are resting on your teeth, view the results, and pay particular attention to the color. At this point, the color of the veneers can still be adjusted with the shade of the cement to be used. The color cannot be altered after veneers are cemented.
To apply the veneer, the tooth is cleansed with specific chemicals to achieve a bond. Once a special cement is sandwiched between the veneer and tooth, a light beam hardens the cement.
With regards to Veneers there are very little risk . These include
- Dental sensitivity
- An imbalanced Bite
- Unnatural Looking appearance
- Breakage
- Sharp pain or tooth ache.
- Pain or sensitivity in gums or tissues.
- Thermal sensitivity to hot or cold.
- Sensitivity to air.
- Pain when biting.
- Discomfort of the jaw muscles or joint.
- Tenderness when biting.
- If the pain or discomfort continues, a dental examination and X-ray may be necessary to determine the cause and appropriate course of action.
There is no recovery time unless the patient has opted for dental sedation
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First contact our informative staff for detailed costs and information on your procedure. Next take photographs and have a No Obligation quote and recommendations from your choice of a surgeon in Phuket, Bangkok or both.