Dermal Fillers – The ups and downs of life, along with the passage of time, can have an impact on us both mentally and physically, and as we get older our faces are where this begins to show most dramatically. Whether it’s wrinkles around the mouth, creases on the forehead, or bags under the eyes, as we age the visible signs can become more apparent.

Many of our patients come to Australian Medical Travel in order to find out more about dermal fillers, one of the most popular and cost-effective methods of slowing down or alleviating the physical signs of ageing.

What are dermal fillers?

Dermal filler is the term applied to the process of injecting collagen (or a similar material, such as hyaluronic acid) under the skin in areas where folds, creases or wrinkles have developed. This material fills in the folds or wrinkles so that the surface skin appears smooth once more.

Therefore, a wrinkle filler essentially works by filling in creases and lines from the inside out — in much the same way as a panel beater removes a dent in a car! The result is that the skin regains volume and hydration, becoming smoother and crease-free, and this creates a more youthful, vibrant and healthy appearance.

Dermal fillers differ from facelifts and other forms of cosmetic surgery because rather than operating directly on the underlying muscles of the treatment area, the filler is designed to affect the texture and surface appearance of the skin only. In some ways, lip fillers and cheek fillers are more akin to botox procedures, in that both involve injections in and around the treatment area, and are temporary measures rather than permanent in the way that facelift surgery is.

The procedure when having dermal filler injections might involve a brief burning sensation, but it is generally no more painful than having any other type of injection. Some procedures, such as lip injections, can be performed under local anaesthetic. It is not uncommon for the treated area to appear bruised immediately after having filler injections, although these can generally be expected to disappear quite quickly.

What can dermal fillers be used for?

Dermal fillers can be used in a variety of ways to enhance different facial features, especially in places where creases, deep lines and wrinkles are most likely to develop over time. The type and density of wrinkle filler used will likely depend on the area of the face being treated.

Nasolabial Folds are the lines that form at the edge of the nose and run down to the corners of the mouth, and these can easily become quite deep and pronounced as we get older. Dermal fillers are especially effective in removing these folds and making the entire area appear smooth once more. Likewise, a filler injection can also be used to remove the lines and creases that form at the corners of the mouth, and which can create a tired or unhappy look to the face.

The eyes and their surrounds are another area of the face where ageing and general wear and tear are most obvious. Under eye fillers can be used to add volume back to sunken eyes, remove bags, and to lighten the area in and around the eye sockets.

Cheek fillers are used to restore volume around the cheekbones where skin has begun to sag and the face to drop. Having cheek injections means that balance and harmony are restored to one of your most prominent facial features, with the result being that cheekbone fillers make you look rejuvenated and create an overall fresher appearance.

Some patients feel that their chin is not pronounced enough, and that this weakens or diminishes their profile. Chin fillers are an effective way of creating a more clearly defined chin and, in some cases, will also help to produce a more readily defined jawline as well.

Dermal fillers can also be used to enhance and accentuate facial features. For instance, lip fillers are an effective way of creating fuller, more rounded lips by giving them added shape and volume. This form of lip augmentation can also help to better define the border of the lips and improve their symmetry. Lip injections are one of the most popular dermal fillers that patients at Australian Medical Travel talk to us about.

How long do dermal fillers last?

Depending on the type of filler injection you opt for, you can expect the effects of face fillers to last somewhere between six to eighteen months (it is generally a longer-lasting procedure than botox). Most of our patients who have dermal lip fillers, eye fillers or chin augmentation choose to have cosmetic filler injections on a regular basis in order to maintain their overall look and appearance.


If you decide at any time not to continue with your forehead fillers or dermal fillers under eyes, then you can expect your natural skin texture and lines to return over time.

How much do dermal fillers cost?

On average, for dermal fillers in Australia you can expect to pay in the region of between $500 to $800 for treatment to one separate area of the face e.g., you might find that lip fillers cost you $800, and then cheek fillers cost you that amount again. The overall costs will vary, depending on the type and density of the face filler used, where in Australia you have your cosmetic fillers done, and who is performing the procedure.

Medical travel for lip fillers and other cosmetic fillers

Australian Medical Travel specialises in creating affordable medical tourism packages for people from all over Australia to undergo affordable dermal filler treatments. Our aim is to provide first rate treatment while helping you find ways to significantly reduce the lip fillers cost or cheek fillers cost that you incur.

We partner with leading hospitals and clinics in Thailand and Malaysia, and doing this means that our patients can have face fillers and other cosmetic surgery much more cheaply than the corresponding procedures would cost in Australia.

AMT will arrange all facets of your medical travel abroad package, including making all the arrangements for treatment, travel and accommodation, and we will accompany you at every stage of the journey.

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